Individual Counseling:  Interns provide individual counseling services.  The counseling center receives clients who present with concerns ranging from normal developmental issues to serious chronic maladjustment.  A short-term counseling approach is the norm at SCS with the therapist and client negotiating a focused therapeutic contract.  Each therapist is responsible for diagnosing the client using the DSM -5-TR, writing treatment plans, and closing summaries.  Additionally, psychology interns may support collaborative safety plans with students presenting with increased risk 

Career Counseling:  Psychology interns will provide regular career counseling based on client demand supervised by their primary supervisor; a psychologist licensed to practice in the state of Iowa. If a psychology intern has not had adequate training in career counseling prior to internship, they will work under the supervision of their primary supervisor to achieve competency in career counseling. Psychology interns may offer, interpret, and provide feedback for the Strong Interest Inventory, a standardized career assessment tool based on Holland’s Theory of Vocational Choice, to provide insight into a person’s interests to help them to consider potential educational and career paths.  

Group Counseling:  During the Fall and Spring semesters, psychology interns co-facilitate two groups per semester with a psychologist licensed to practice in the state of Iowa or with a clinical therapist licensed to practice in the state of Iowa. At least one group each semester will be an Understanding Self and Others (USO) group.  During the Summer semester, psychology interns co-facilitate an USO group with a peer psychology intern.  Greater group experience may be offered to individuals in the Group Therapy SEA. 

Intakes and Crisis (Team Day):  For one day each week psychology interns are involved in both intake and crisis counseling. SCS has established an Initial Appointment (IA) system where clients are assessed for their appropriateness to the agency's services and resources. An IA is a 20-30-minute screening assessment to allow for appropriate disposition of cases. Crisis counseling is also available to clients who need emergency crisis intervention. 

Outreach and Consultation: Psychology interns provide outreach services to college students, faculty/staff, and campus organizations based on agency needs and interest. Psychology interns will complete a minimum of two qualifying outreaches (e.g., presentations, education trainings) per semester and volunteer at a minimum of one awareness event (i.e., Field of Memories 9/13/2024, Out of the Darkness Walk 4/26/2025) per semester. Psychology interns may dedicate more time to outreach within their chosen Special Emphasis Areas (SEA), especially for the Diversity, Suicide Prevention, and Outreach SEA’s and could be supported in Eating Disorders SEA during Eating Disorder Awareness Week occurring annually in February. In addition, psychology interns will support two orientation tabling events for incoming students and parents during summer semester. 

Supervision of Practicum Student or Graduate Assistant Trainee:  Psychology interns supervise a practicum student or Graduate Assistant trainee from the Counseling Psychology doctorate program at Iowa State University for two hours each week.  Psychology intern’s supervision of trainees is audio/video recorded to facilitate development of supervisory skills.