Get Started with Wellbeing Coaching

Wellbeing Coaching programs are confidential programs facilitated by students, for students. It is a student to student program focused on providing a safe, confidential space for you to learn about areas of wellbeing that may be affecting you, to learn about resources of support available, and to help you identify your next steps.

Student Wellness offers several different wellbeing coaching programs that students can enroll in for support.

Wellbeing Navigation

Students who enroll in this program will complete a confidential wellbeing survey and complete a brief reflection activity. Then, you will meet one on one with a wellbeing coach for one session to help you learn more about resources and help you create a self-driving plan for getting connected to additional support. Covers any and all areas of wellbeing you want to discuss.

Email if you have any questions.

Holistic Wellbeing

Students who enroll in the program will complete a confidential wellbeing survey and complete a brief reflection activity. Then, you will meet one on one with a wellbeing coach for 2 sessions to help you create a self-driven plan focused on your strengths. Covers any and all areas of wellbeing you want to focus on, based on what is affecting you right now (e.g. stress, sleep, time management, motivation, procrastination, movement, etc.).

Email if you have any questions.

Alcohol & Cannabis

Wellbeing Coaching for substance use is a harm reduction program for college students to help you work toward a better relationship with alcohol and/or cannabis. This is a 2 session program and uses an empathetic, non judgmental style to help meet students where they are at with their alcohol and/or cannabis use. The focus is to help you uncover what is important to you and how you can be successful in reaching those goals.

Email if you have any questions.

Wellbeing Coaching Graduate Staff

Lawrion Anderson

Wellbeing Coaching Graduate Student

Taline Jouzi

Wellbeing Coaching Graduate Student

Angelica Castro-Bueno

Wellbeing Coaching Graduate Student