Issues relative to sexual health are especially common among college-aged individuals. Thielen provides quality clinical services in an environment that is non-judgmental and respectful of each individual as well as in their privacy.

Comprehensive health services including pelvic and breast exams, pap screening, and treatment for specific health concerns are available at the clinic. In addition, we provide education and prescriptions for a variety of birth control options, pregnancy testing and Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

Confidential care is provided by all of our healthcare providers.

  • Birth control prescriptions and counseling
    • Various methods of birth control are available in a variety of types that can meet your individual need:
      • Nexplanon implant
      • Intrauterine devices (IUD)
      • Depo Provera Injection
      • Birth control pills
      • Nuvaring
      • Plan B available over-the-counter at the pharmacy
  • Sexually transmitted infection testing, treatment, and prevention
  • HPV (Gardisil) vaccine
  • Care for menstrual concerns, such as pelvic pain or cramps, irregular periods, and PCOS
  • Evaluation and treatment for common women’s health conditions such as:
    • Vaginal infections
    • Urinary tract infections
    • Concerns about sexual health
  • Routine annual health exams that may include:
    • Pap smear to screen for cervical cancer
      • Colposcopy for abnormal pap smear follow – up
    • Pelvic exam
    • Clinical breast exam and self-breast exam instruction
  • Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

Student Health is staffed with physicians who can provide care and treatment of health concerns unique to being male. Available services include:

  • Evaluation and treatment for sexual health issues
  • Check- up, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections and diseases
  • HIV Testing
  • PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis)
  • Testicular exams
  • Information about testicular self-exams

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

We recommend that sexually active individuals be tested for sexually transmitted infections annually, or anytime there is a new partner. It is not uncommon to have an STI and show no symptoms. Thielen has STI tests to screen for any sexually transmitted disease.

Safer Sex

Student Health & Wellness works to reduce sexually transmitted diseases on our college campus through a condom distribution program.

Condoms are distributed:

  • In residence halls, Greek chapters or other offices on campus
  • In the Administration office at Thielen Student Health Center during business hours
    • Students can get up to 10 free condoms per visit
    • Latex-free condoms are available by request
  • In the clinic exam rooms and restrooms at Thielen Student Health Center
  • The Memorial  Union, Parks Library, State Gym and Lied Recreation Center also have distribution containers