Other Public Health Topics
Students, faculty, and staff come to ISU from all over the world and members of the community also participate in constant domestic and international travel. Given the global nature of ISU’s community, the public health team has compiled the following list of helpful public health topics, specifically those infectious diseases that require targeted public health follow up:
CDC Resource Page
WHO Resource Page
CDC Resource Page
WHO Resource Page
Epstein-Barr Virus (EPV) and Infectious Mononucleosis
Infectious tuberculosis
Meningococcal disease
Scarlet fever
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS, MERS, COVID-19)
Respiratory Illnesses
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome:
Group A Streptococcal (GAS) Disease
Viral hemorrhagic fevers (like Ebola)
Yellow fever
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO: World Health Organization
Additional Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
World Health Organization (WHO)
The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)
A free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling and living abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.
Benefits of enrolling in STEP:
- Receive important information from the Embassy about safety conditions in your destination country, helping you make informed decisions about your travel plans.
- Help the U.S. Embassy contact you in an emergency, whether natural disaster, civil unrest, or family emergency.
- Help family and friends get in touch with you in an emergency.