Become a Champion

Recreation Services invites you to participate in one of the largest and best intramural sports programs in the nation. With an overboard philosophy of “something for everyone,” the Intramural Program offers over 40 sports to meet the diverse interests of the student, faculty, and staff population.

Intramural flag football

How to Register

To register for an Intramural Sport, you will need an IMLeagues account. If you haven't registered before, you will need to create an account. Be sure to select Iowa State University as your school during sign up. 

If you are a student, you will need to use your ISU email address to create your account.

If you are a non-student Rec member, you may be able to use your personal email but will need to be manually verified before being allowed to register for an Intramural Sport.

Intramural Sports FAQs

Anybody with an active Recreation Services Membership can participate in Intramural Sports.

  • Individuals and teams are welcome in Intramural Sports. Teams form from residence halls, Greek houses, organizations, and friend groups. Each residence hall, sorority, and fraternity has a Recreation Services Manager to assist with sign-ups.
  • Independent groups need a representative to connect with the program. Individuals for individual/dual activities should register online before the deadline.
  • No phone entries accepted. Online submission required for all entries.

You can still sign up to play!

If you want to play, but you do not have a doubles partner or know enough people to form a team, don’t fret, we can still get you involved. All you need to do is sign up as a free agent under the particular intramural sport you want to participate in.  Your name will be available to any other individual as well as team captains looking for players or partners.

  • Champions will be contacted by the Intramural Coordinator with instructions to pick up their champion shirt.
  • In order to qualify, your name must have appeared on a scorecard (a minimum of two games for team sports). The number of awards given to a team is five more than the number allowed on the field/court at one time. 
  • A maximum of two awards will be awarded to any one participant in a single sport.
  • Awards must be picked up within one calendar year at the t-shirt office in the Administrative Office during work hours
IM Champ shirts

A Wearable Trophy

Iowa State students, both past and present, hold the prestigious Intramural Champion t-shirts in high regard. With each passing year, a new Intramural T-shirt is designed, ready to be added to your ever-growing collection. Champions will be notified via email for t-shirt pickup details.

Intramural Sports Staff

Trey Gettys

Intramural Coordinator

Kourtney Graham

Intramural Coordinator

Jeff Lauridsen

Intramurals Coordinator

Nathan Pick

Senior Assistant Director, Sports Programs

Intramural Sports Policies

  • Please be aware that participation in intramural sports involves a risk of injury.
  • Individuals are encouraged to have a physical examination and obtain adequate medical insurance prior to participation. Individuals participate in intramural activities at their own risk.
  • Since participation is completely voluntary, injuries and their resulting costs are the responsibility of the participant. Iowa State University assumes no responsibility for injuries received during Intramural sports activities.

To promote our activities, we may capture photos and videos. If you do not wish to have your picture/image/voice used for Intramural Program marketing and advertising purposes, kindly contact the Intramural Sports Program. Your concerns will be addressed.

  • Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran.
  • Inquiries can be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity, 3280 Beardshear Hall, (515) 294-7612.