There are lots of opportunities for students, staff, and faculty to get involved in internships, groups, or committees related to Student Health and Wellness. Some of these opportunities are paid positions.

Student Wellness offers paid and unpaid internships for students.  Internships include Violence Prevention, Substance Use Prevention, Education and Recovery, Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention, and Public Health.

Application openings will vary based on internship availability. 

Please contact with any questions.

Description: The Joyful Eating Intern is dedicated to helping increase education of body positivity and healthy relationships with food to students on campus.

Mission: This Intern will partner with the Student Health and Wellness Registered Dietitian to help create material and research ways to teach body positivity and help students understand gentle nutrition.

Values: Iowa State University promotes a positive, accepting environment of people all body type, races, genders, sexualities, and religions. The Joyful Eating Internship is intended to put more effort into having students accept the bodies they have as well as taking care of themselves both mentally and physically. This provides an opportunity for students to learn more about how to improve their relationship with food and receive any extra resources they may need.

Responsibilities: This intern assists the Student Wellness Dietitian in creating a comprehensive framework that serves the food, nutrition, and body image needs of all students. This student also compiles and creates nutrition resources to be used within the Student Health & Wellness unit. They create content-specific modules in Canvas to be used by students who need assistance with concerns such as meal planning, grocery shopping, general nutrition questions and nutrition therapy for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and low fiber intake.

If you have additional questions about the Joyful Eating Internship, please email 

Health and Wellness Student Leadership Board members provide honest, thorough, and critical feedback to questions and scenarios to help guide the work of student health and wellness at ISU, including providing feedback on programs, initiatives, marketing efforts, strategic planning, and more.  

Feedback and engagement helps the Associate Vice President for Student Health and Wellness (AVP) and Student Health and Wellness Unit create new programming, assist in effective student messaging, and facilitate an open channel of constructive feedback regarding how university operations influence the student experience around health and wellness. 
The board meets in-person once per month with the AVP for Student Health and Wellness and the Directors of the Student Health and Wellness Unit. The board also receives online engagement opportunities via Canvas or email and members are expected to respond to the topic presented.  Depending on the topic and urgency, members have several hours or several days to respond to requests for feedback. Additional feedback may also include participation in focus groups or attendance at town hall meetings. Members may also be asked to assist with Student Health and Wellness events throughout the year.

Students are paid employees of Student Health and Wellness and receive an hourly rate of $12/hour. Students are expected to work approximately 6 hours per month.   

Duties and expectations for Health and Wellness Student Leadership Board members: 

  • Complete all necessary paperwork and orientation. 
  • Participate in scheduled meetings. 
  • Regularly check email/Canvas and respond to engagement opportunities. 
  • Respond to requests for scheduling events and other opportunities. 
  • If unable to participate in a meeting or respond to requests online, contact the assigned supervisor as soon as practical for an extension or explanation. 
  • Fulfill the obligations of a board member to the best of your abilities by providing timely, thorough, and relevant responses. 

This position is renewable, at the AVP’s or board supervisor’s discretion, and may terminate at any time for failure to comply with the requirements above. A board member may also resign and terminate their agreement at any time, provided they do so in writing to the supervisor.  

Applications are currently closed.

Green Dot is an international prevention program that focuses on bystander intervention, social marketing, and community mobilization strategies to reduce rates of violence in communities and empowers all individuals to see their role in violence prevention.

The strategy of Green Dot focuses on certifying staff and faculty from across campus to help serve on a Green Dot Campus Team. The Green Dot Campus Team works closely with the health promotion coordinators in Student Wellness to help coordinate Green Dot efforts during the year.

For employees who are interested in joining the Green Dot Campus Team, we have a few requirements they need to complete to join the team and a list of expectations once they join the Green Dot Campus Team.

If interested in joining, please complete this form.