Taking a proactive approach to your health is important. At Iowa State, there are several ways for students to take some time for themselves to help try to ensure they stay healthy and happy.
Preventative Care

Check-Ups and Physicals
Routine physical exams that you would normally receive annually can also be done by a healthcare provider at Student Health. Physical exams are different from routine office visits and could more appropriately be called “preventive and anticipatory exams.” These exams proactively focus on health issues based on specific criteria such as age, previous health history, social habits, lifestyle, and other factors.
Separate from preventive exams are medical clearance evaluations. These would include exams needed to satisfy requirements for starting a new job, participation in a camp or sporting event, foreign travel or similar. If you have a physical form that needs to be completed with the exam, we are happy to help you with that.
From the required vaccinations for all new students to tetanus shots to annual flu vaccinations, Student Health can provide any and all recommended adult immunizations you’ll need while on campus.
Many students choose to travel while in school. Our Travel Clinic can help make sure you’re vaccinated appropriately for your trips. Maybe you’re looking for the human papillomavirus vaccination? Our women’s health service will serve you well.
Whatever your immunization needs and requirements- just let us know, and we’ll make sure you have what you need.
Travel Clinic
Thielen Student Health Center (TSHC) Travel Clinic provides specialized medical services designed to prepare international travelers. Current Iowa State University students, faculty, staff and their spouses/partners may be seen based on availability.
When to make an appointment?
Plan ahead! Most immunizations need at least 6 weeks prior to travel to complete the series. Emergency visits may be accommodated. To plan for your visit, we require you to complete an international traveler questionnaire. You can access the form here or by picking up a copy at the health center.Vaccines for Travel
Thielen Student Health Center can provide the information and advice you need to prepare for international travel. Depending on your destination, there may be additional vaccination requirements. The staff at Thielen can help you determine what vaccines, if any, could be required.
If you are planning an international trip, here's what to know and do ahead of time:
- Complete and submit the Traveler History Form (PDF) and gather all previous and current vaccination records
- Submit the completed form and vaccination records by emailing to shctravel@iastate.edu
- Please note: travel questionnaire must be completed and submitted with all previous and current vaccination information BEFORE your appointment.
- Plan to submit information well in advance of your trip – some vaccination requirements may take several months to be completed. We recommend 2 months prior to your departure date.
- Appointments will be scheduled for Wednesday, Thursday or Friday
- Complete and submit the Traveler History Form (PDF) and gather all previous and current vaccination records
Allergy Injections
Students with multiple allergies (hay fever, asthma, etc.) sometimes benefit from allergy desensitization injections, which are provided on campus at Thielen Student Health Center. Allergy injections are administered by skilled clinicians with experience in allergy immunotherapy and are separate from the main clinic so you can bypass the traditional clinic process.
Wait Requirement
After each injection, the patient must wait 30 minutes in the clinic. This is a safety procedure so we may observe for any reactions and give care as needed. The student may make another appointment or get a prescription filled while waiting, but may not leave the clinic.
Patients who cannot wait the 30 minutes as required will not be allowed to get their injections.
Starting Your Allergy Injections on Campus
All allergy patients must have a brief appointment with one of our healthcare providers prior to receiving ongoing injections. If you haven’t started allergy injections yet, you must set up a specific treatment plan and receive your first injection at your allergist’s office. You can then make arrangements with your allergist to have your allergy serum and orders sent to Thielen Student Health Center. We’re happy to help with this process – just give us a call at (515) 294-5801.